+36 20 540 9495 info@embryo.hu
Milkmen Outlook

Milkmen Outlook

And our other breeding bulls

Our bull, Milkmen Outlook, ranked 19th in the Holstein Friesian breeding bulls (top 100) according to the April 2021 breeding value estimate, with 1211 HGI points. He was born from embryo transfer among the very first sons of her father (Superman) in the world. Among the Superman boys, he is still 7th in the leaderboard, in TPI order. Outlook was also used in Canada, there were the first milked cows from he, thanks to which he was also evaluated in the USA based on the girls.

More information about Outlook can be found on the website of Génbank-Semex Hungary Ltd.: http://www.semex.hu/holstein-adatlap/id-200HO07907 .

Our other bull, Milkmen is also on the top100 HGI list, he is currently in 41st place.

Milkmen Ltd. Has already given breeding bulls to Hungarian breeders in the recent years. Some of these are bulls with a central registration number that have been sent to an artificial insemination station at Semex and Bos Genetic, respectively: Kivételes, Opium, Phoenix and Slash.

Since 2009, we have sold nearly 100 breeding bulls to other dairy farms for breeding.

Bulls are selected based on their pedigree, maternal production data, and HGI.

Bulls of high breeding value and excellent pedigree are still available for this purpose, inquire at milkmenkft@gmail.com.

Photos: Outlook – Giorgio Soldi, others – Krisztián Bodaki

About the high genetic merit heifers of Milkmen Ltd.

About the high genetic merit heifers of Milkmen Ltd.

At the beginning of March, another genomic test results were received from our heifers, which are very joyful to us: 3 animals are also above 2800 GTPI.

We are already performing this test on all heifers in the Milkmen herd, currently 577 animals have GTPI results.

The level is shown by the fact that there are currently a total of 4 heifers evaluated for GTPI over 2800 in Hungary. 3 were born and raised here as a result of the breeding work at Milkmen, Paks. They are the following animals:

8123 Vilma (Vilma x Solution x Jedi) – Was born in February 2020, she leads the Hungarian list with 2851 GTPI. In the near future in the ABS pre-release program she will be fertilized with the semen of Hercules, who has now the 3rd highest GTPI in the world. We look forward to her embryo programs. The heifer has +6.2 longevity, NM $ 780, A2A2.

8570 Janka – (read more here) – link. She ranked 16th out of 134 genomeic tested Invictus girls all around the world. 

8779 Rita (Riveting x Delta-Lambda) is 3rd on her list with 2818 GTPI. He was born in November 2020 and has +5 longevity, +1.99 udder composite, and low somatic cell count.

The three heifers will be use as an embryo donors to maximaze the genetic progress of our own herd, and we are planning also to sell embryos from this heifers.

In our stock we have 15 another heifer with genomic breeding values above 2700 GTPI. We have already flushed embryos from some of them – from some of them has already a pregnancy and from some of them have we have frozen embryos waiting to be transerred, and anothers is still waiting for an embryo program.


A heifer with outstanding breeding value

A heifer with outstanding breeding value

Another calf of high genomic breeding value was born at our farm, Milkmen Kft. in Paks-Földespuszta. The heifer was ranked to 2837 GTPI. She is the newest member of the “unknown” Janka cow family, although her mother has been at top of the farm in terms of its genomic breeding value.

 The currently 2-month-old heifer has a balanced appearance, medium production, good secondary, and high content traits (NM $ 731, Cheese Merit 763, Beta casein A2A2, longevity +5.1). Father 34561 Invictus, maternal grandfather 30737 Dynamo.

 We plan that the heifer as an embryo donor will play an important role in increasing the genetic value and diversity of our own stock and other farms who are interested.

Further information: info@embryo.hu